Teaching at NTU

Most of the courses at NTU already are assigned by the time I got in touch with them regarding the sabbatical. This meaning that the courses that had the best fit with what I teach in Sweden and where I could benefit the most from teaching at NTU already had been assigned. This, however, was not a major problem or set back, but a nice challenge to meet the students and use my teaching skills. Consequently, they had some new courses that were going to be developed and wanted me to give some of the lectures on one of the courses. Furthermore, I was going to assist in tutorials and workshops in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) during the fall semester.

The course that I was going to teach parts of is a physics course for computer science students entitled Physics for Computing. My part would be Dynamic forces and Newtonian mechanics and connect this to the use in e.g. games and other applications for the CS students. Sounds like a really interesting course!

I was put in touch with the coordinating teacher that were in charge of developing the course and the discussion will continue when I arrive in Singapore in March.

Updated ToDo list:

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