Bled eConference 2019 is the 32nd in order and it had a packed program of 70+ presentations during the three days. I had the honor to present 3 papers that also have been published in the conference proceedings after double-blind peer-review. Two of the papers have been written together with students on pilot studies on interesting ideas. The last one was written together with colleagues from Sweden, Australia and Croatia on the international teaching project we are currently conducting.
The first day, I presented a paper on an idea to a blockchain application that have been developed tighter with one of our students, David. The application will help people understand how their personal data is used and give control back to the users.
Mejtoft, T., Hellman, D., & Söderström, U. (2019). Reclaiming control over personal data with blockchain technology: An exploratory study. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, J. Seitz, H. Cripps & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 32ndBled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 411-425). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.
On the second day, a paper on UX design and nudging, written together with Charlotte, student on the MSc program in Interaction Technology and Design was presented. The paper concludes that bad UX have a tendency to overtake and render good nudges useless.
Mejtoft, T., Ristiniemi, C., Söderström, U., & Mårell-Olsson, E. (2019). User experience design and digital nudging in a decision making process. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, J. Seitz, H. Cripps & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 32ndBled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 427-442). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.

On the third, and last day, a paper on one of our teaching projects was presented. The paper was co-presented with Jasmina, driving up from Rijeka in the morning. This is a great example that putting some extra effort into the teaching design makes it possible to give the students much more learning and experience.
Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Berglund, S., Dlacic, J., & Torbarina, M. (2019). Internationalization of students’ learning using online technology: Lessons learned. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, J. Seitz, H. Cripps & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 32ndBled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1099-1107). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.
The references of the publications are above. However look at my publications if you want more information and the possibility to download the publications.
Except for presenting a paper a day at the conference, I had the possibility to create new contacts within important areas, get feedback on our research and listen to interesting presentations. I think that these couple of days have given me new inspiration for new research and new teaching.
Now we’re at the end of the conference and it has been a couple of intense days in Bled, Slovenia. I’m going back to Sweden in a couple of hours and are just enjoying the great weather!