After some delays, I arrived in Malmö yesterday evening to chair discussion seminars today with two of their education programs within Media Technology. We had today’s meetings in the newly built and very Singaporian (including the foodcourt on the ground floor) building Niagara. We had a great dialogue with many of the question marks in the material that have been analyzed cleared out. It has been an honor to take part of this evaluation process and work with two very competent committees and now it’s only the final statement that should be written.
We are looking at two nice education programs with a strong focus on the industry and the students’ future profession. We need to have education programs in Sweden that both focus on the generic and general knowledge that academia can give the students and that make up the foundation of the students’ self-esteem when we have a fast-paced change in technology and society. This should be aligned with giving the students a clear identity and the capabilities necessary for when entering a profession straight out of the university.
Even though I have the privilege to work with and engineering program, it is equally important to give the students on education programs with general degrees influence from the industry. This is something that I have been working with on our MSc education program in Interaction Technology and Design. Here are some links to studies and papers that I written within this area:
Mejtoft, T. (2016). Lärande för ingenjörsrollen: Ömsesidigt värdeskapande i samverkan mellan utbildning och näringsliv. In S. Pålsson & B. Victor (Eds.), Proceedings från 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges Ingenjörsutbildningar (pp. 106-109). Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University.
(Technical report 2016-002; issn: 1404-3203)
Download @ Uppsala University
Mejtoft, T. (2015). Näringslivssamverkan för ökat aktivt lärande och konkret värdeskapande. In Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2015: Gränslös kunskap (pp. 46-48), Umeå universitet.
Mejtoft, T. (2015). Industry based projects and cases: A CDIO approach to students’ learning. Proceedings of the 11th international CDIO conference. Chengdu University of Information Technology.
Download @ CDIO
Mejtoft, T. (2014). Näringslivskopplad utveckling som lärform: Projekt och case inom interaktionsdesign [abstract]. NU2014 Abstracts, 134.
Download @ Umeå University