by Thomas Mejtoft, PhD
When we see any structure highly perfected for any particular habit, as the wings of a bird for flight, we should bear in mind that animals displaying early transitional grades of the structure will seldom have survived to the present day, for they will have been supplanted by their successors, which were gradually rendered more perfect through natural selection.
Charles Darwin*
When writing a paper, thesis, or report, screenshots from web, desktop, or mobile applications are, from time to time, essential for the reader to understand the content of the publication. Since screenshots, usually, are not your original work, you need to credit the source somehow. It is tricky to navigate the dos and don’ts when using screenshots.
A screenshot is a reproduction of the content displayed on the screen of a computer, mobile phone, or any digital device. A screenshot in a publication is usually used to show e.g., the content or structure of a software, application, or other digital environment.
Fair use of screenshots. Since the function of the screenshot and the fair use of screenshots is to show a e.g., structure, graphical elements, or an environment, a screenshot cannot be used to bypass copyright. Consequently, you are not allowed to screenshot e.g., an image or figure from a source under copyright with the idea to just use the figure and not show the environment etc. Using a screenshot to reproduce a figure, photo or other source under copyright, is the same as using the original image, head here for more information about How to cite and use of figures from other sources. If a work, that is clearly under copyright, is present in a screenshot (and not necessary for the use of the screenshot, e.g., artistic work, figures, etc.) it is recommended to e.g., blur out these parts of the screenshot.
When submitting a thesis, report, or paper to a university for examination, copyrighted figures (e.g., photos, figures, diagrams, etc.) tables, or similar cannot be used in the report without permission from the copyright owner (this is however a general statement, no publication should contain copyrighted figures without proper permission). This is due to both legal and ethical reasons. Since almost all material is under some type of copyright (if not explicitly under public license), this applies to most photos, graphics, illustrations, tables, etc. found in print or digital sources. There are two problems that can occur, (1) if material is used without the appropriate citation, it is regarded as plagiarism, and (2) if a copyrighted work is used (i.e. a figure, table, etc. is copied and placed in your work) without permission, it is (most certainly) a copyright violation. The latter can occur even if the correct citation is used and vice versa.
It is the responsibility of the author (e.g., the student) of a paper/report/thesis to ensure that all necessary permissions have been obtained and/or the appropriate credits are given in the text before the paper/report/thesis is published or submitted for examination.
There is no need to make a reference to your own original work. That is figures/images/photos or other original artwork created by the author of the report/paper should not be in the reference list.
These guidelines are loosely based on the following sources:
What do I need to know about using and citing screenshots? by Simon Fraser University
Citing a Screenshot by the MacOdrum Library at Carleton University
Hope you find this material useful!
If you are looking for other resources around writing to use, here is a page with resources and material. If you are looking for how to use and cite figures, screenshots, code etc. please refer to the following documents: How to use and cite figures from other sources, How to cite screenshots, References to secondary sources and review articles, Writing references to personal communication, Writing references to programming code, and Citing content created by generative AI. Regarding quotes and visualizing data, please read the following documents: Master quotes in writing and How to visualize your data in an understandable way.
How to cite screenshots
When taking screenshots (or using other content), the first rule is to follow the policies and guidelines for the website, software, or company of which you are taking the screenshot (if such policy exists). The policies differ a lot between different companies and must be read carefully. Most major companies have policies regarding the use of screenshots and other content from their applications or web. Examples are Google, Microsoft, and Electronic Arts. Depending on the specific use, there might, in some cases, also be necessary to gain permission to use a screenshot based on policies and guidelines.
Example from Google: “You can use unaltered static screenshots or video captures of our products, the Google logo, or specific product icons for educational purposes in textbooks or other standard teaching materials.”
Citing and using screenshots from the Internet in your work
When the appropriate policy has been followed, the reference in-text can be written just as any other reference using the reference system you are using.
Example (APA Style):

Example (ACM/IEEE Style):

Regarding the post on the reference list, the reference is written as an online source with the addition of the text “Screenshot by author
” to indicate the creator of the screenshot. However, if the screenshot is not made by the author and has e.g., been found on any other page already as a screenshot, the actual author of the screenshot (e.g., the author of and webpage where the screenshot have been found) needs to be mentioned instead as “Screenshot by Name Nameson, <URL>
“. Regarding the date, it should be the date of the screenshot (if known) and the author should be the company or creator of the website/app/game etc. that has been depicted in the screenshot.
Furthermore, there might be a need to gain permission to use the screenshot, this is done in a similar way as any material you want to use in a publication, but you need to get permission to use.
Example (APA Style):
Google. (2019, May 13). Google search. Retrieved May 13, 2019, from Screenshot by author.
Example (ACM Style):
[14] Google. 2019. Google search. Retrieved May 13, 2019 from Screenshot by author.
BibTeX-entry (if using LaTeX):
%Use @online, since the screenshot is taken from the web and has an URL.
%Use "note" to add information on the author of the screenshot.
Author = {Google},
Year = {2019},
Title = {Google search},
url = {},
lastaccessed = {May 13, 2019},
note = {Screenshot by author},
If the screenshot is not made by the author, the reference is just to the image used, using this reference style:
(observe that permission might be necessary, see How to cite and use of figures from other sources)
Example (APA Style):
Google. (2019). Google search on iPad. Retrieved January 6, 2024, from
or (if the author of the screenshot is known)
Google. (2019). Google search on iPad. Screenshot by Thomas Mejtoft, Retrieved January 6, 2024, from
Example (ACM Style):
[14] Google. 2019. Google search on iPad. Retrieved January 6, 2020, from
Citing and using screenshots from mobile apps (or other apps) in your work
First, it is important to see if there are restrictions on how to use and publish screenshots in any guidelines by the copyright holder of the mobile app. Hence, there might be a need to gain permission to use the screenshot, this is done in a similar way as any material you get permission to use.
When the appropriate policy has been followed, the reference in-text can be written just as any other reference using the reference you are using.
Example (APA Style):

Example (ACM/IEEE Style):

Regarding the post on the reference list, the reference can be written as any other reference of a software with the addition of “Screenshot by author, <date of screenshot>
“, e.g. “Screenshot by author, December 6, 2023
” However, if the screenshot is not made by the author and has e.g., been found on any other page already as a screenshot, that author of the screenshot and webpage where the screenshot have been found need to be mentioned instead as “Screenshot by Name Nameson, <URL>
“. Regarding the date, it should be the date of the screenshot (if known) and the author should be the company or creator of the application that has been depicted in the screenshot.
Example (APA Style):
Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB. (2023). BankID (v. [mobile app]. Screenshot by author, December 6, 2023.
Example (ACM Style):
[14] Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB. 2023. BankID (v. [mobile app]. Screenshot by author, December 6, 2023.
BibTeX-entry (if using LaTeX):
%Use @software since the screenshot has been taken from an application (mobile, desktop, etc.)
%Use "note" to add information on the author of the screenshot.
author = {Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB},
year = {2023},
title = {BankID [mobile app]},
version = {v.},
note = {Screenshot by author, December 6, 2023},
If the screenshot is not made by the author, the reference is just to the image used, using this reference style:
(observe that permission might be necessary, see How to cite and use of figures from other sources)
Example (APA Style):
Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB. (2023). BankID [mobile app]. Retrieved December 4, 2024, from
or (if the author of the screenshot is known)
Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB. (2023). BankID mobile app. Screenshot by Thomas Mejtoft, Retrieved December 4, 2024, from
Example (ACM Style):
[23] Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB. 2023. BankID [mobile app]. Retrieved December 4, 2024, from
Citing and using screenshots from electronic media, e.g., video games/computer program, or video in your work
When using a screenshot from a video game or a video a similar approach can be used. The creator should be credited for the work, and it could be e.g., the artist, director, writer and/or publisher (last resort), depending on what's available. Then the name of the work, publication date (year) and e.g., URL or similar should be stated in the reference.
Example of references (All these are APA Style examples)
Citing a published video game:
Paradox Interactive AB. (2013). Europa Universalis IV (v. 1.32) [video game]. Stockholm, Sweden: Paradox Interactive AB. Screenshot by author.
Citing a computer program:
Microsoft. (2023). Microsoft Excel for Microsoft 365 MSO (v. 2308) [computer program]. Screenshot by author.
Citing a published movie:
Burton, T. (producer/writer), Di Novi, D. (producer), Selick, H. (director). (1993). The nightmare before Christmas [motion picture]. Touchstone Pictures. Screenshot by author.
Citing an online published movie:
Macdonald, K. (director), Marshall, L. (producer). (2011). Life in a day [motion picture]. Scott Free Productions/YouTube/LG Corp. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from Screenshot by author.
Citing an online video:
jawed. (2005). Me at the zoo. YouTube. Retrieved September 2, 2023, from Screenshot by author.
Citing a recording (This is not a screenshot, but rather a quote. However, an instruction fits fairly well here):
Bowie, D. (writer/producer), Scott, K. (producer). (1971). Changes. On Hunky Dory [LP]. RCA.
If the screenshot is not made by the author, include the creator of the screenshot and the URL where found. See example with citation of screenshot of website (above).
*Quote from The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection (Darwin, 1872, p. 140).
Darwin, C. (1872). The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection (6th ed.). John Murray.
Cite this page as (APA style):
Mejtoft, T. (2025). How to cite screenshots. Notes on (scientific) writing, no 3. Retrieved from
If you have any questions, praise, critique, or feed-forward, please do not hesitate to contact me.

(First published by Thomas Mejtoft: 2019-05-13; Revised: 2021-09-10; Last updated: 2025-01-23)